JCAM President Appoints Rev. Dr. Foro to the HUC Governing Council

The Chair of the Board of Trustees of Hekima University College (HUC), Very. Rev. Jose Minaku, SJ, has appointed Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Foro, SJ, as a member of the Governing Council of Hekima University College (HUC). As the Rector of Hekima Jesuit
Community, having taken over the mandate from Rev. Dr. Deogratius Rwezaura, SJ, who was also a member of the HUC Council, it was inevitable that Dr. Foro would be a member of the council.

Rev. Minaku, SJ, expressed profound gratitude to Dr. Foro for his gracious and generous offer to serve on the Governing Council of Hekima University College. “As Rector of the Jesuit Community at Hekima University College, your depth of wisdom,
breadth of knowledge, and vast experience in the field of Jesuit governance and the field of higher education will be an immense asset and contribution to the development and progress of Hekima University College,” Fr. Minaku stated in his letter of
appointment as he mandated Dr. Foro to serve for a renewable 3-year term, effective 1 st September 2024.

The Governing Council retains the responsibility of leading and overseeing the HUC vision in ensuring that it permeates all of the University’s functions. In carrying out its duties and powers, the Council recognizes its overriding responsibility to act with
integrity, diligence, and compliance with the law.

The Council appoints the Principal of HUC and other senior management staff in consultation with the Board of Trustees. It ensures the College’s financial viability, with special attention to fiscal management, and carries out all the duties outlined in the
Council Charter.

Dr. Emmanuel Foro, SJ, is a Jesuit from West Africa Province (AOC) and a HUC alumnus. A senior lecturer of Systematic Theology, he held the Waite Chair of Jesuit Education at Creighton University between August 2022 and May 2023. Between 2011
and 2017, he taught several courses at HUC (Fundamental Theology, General Liturgy, Rituals in Parish Settings, Ecclesiology, Catholic Social Teaching, Spirituality, and seminars). He held other critical responsibilities for the HUC, such as Advisor to the
Theology and Peacebuilding Symposium (2011- 2014), Dean of the Jesuit School of Theology from January 2014 to January 2017, and Deputy Principal Academic from March 2014 to January 2017.

In 2016, Reverend Mike Lewis, then Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty, approved him as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Theology of Jesuits in Africa and Madagascar (FTJAM), with a Nihil obstat as Catholic Theology Faculty from Rome (CCE) in April 2017.
Between 2017 and 2022, he took a break from teaching. He served in his province as a Province as Consultor, Provincial Delegate of Formation, Socius of the Provincial, and Retreat Director at Paam – Yôodo Jesuit Retreat Centre, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).

He returned to HUC in 2023, reassumed teaching, and held the Deputy Principal of Academic Affairs position. In May 2023, he was appointed Rector of the Hekima Jesuit Community.

He is also an alumnus of the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, where he earned his S.T.L. and Doctorate in Systematic Theology.
Hekima University College Family congratulates and wishes him well in the HUC Governing Council.

By Pamela Adinda, HUC Communications Coordinator

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