Mission & Vision

In keeping with our Catholic character and Ignatian identity, Hekima University College is committed to the formation and training of men and women in research and professional competence. This commitment is embodied in the following goals and objectives:

  1. Promoting an African theology that is rooted in the best theological traditions of the Catholic Church and attuned to the realities of faith, life and ministry in contemporary Africa in a globalized world.
  2. Training our students to provide instruction, conflict analysis, negotiation, and expertise in peace building from the perspective of  Catholic traditions of peace and social justice, in response to the various situations of conflict that undermine Africa’s quest for an environment conducive to sustainable development.
  3. Developing and applying an interdisciplinary approach to the different historical and contemporary challenges facing the African Church and society. This is to ensure that our students are able to adapt to the constantly changing and diverse situations of work, thus remaining  relevant in ministry through active collaboration and partnership.
  4. Training our students to reflect on experience and apply the data to their studies in order to generate appropriate and contextualized responses to their situation in life and work, and become architects of transformation in the church and society.

Hekima University College desires to train men and women “involved in disciplines which, although they may have no explicit Christian perspective, are  nevertheless central to the way in which human beings understand   themselves and the world around them” (General Congregation of the Society of Jesus [GC] 34, decree 6, no. 20, par. 2; cf. GC 34, d. 16, no. 7, par. 2). The graduates of our theological, spiritual, intellectual, and professional training program will be men and women of faith ardently “engaged in the challenge of building up a young and vibrant African Church, rooted in the richness of  different cultures, creating new bonds of solidarity among peoples, and   struggling to overcome the global forces that tend to marginalize the whole continent” (GC 34, d. 2, no. 2, par. 2). Hekima University College, in view of the  objectives of its founding, hopes to introduce some other programs that will respond to the needs of the Church in the region.