Doctoral Scholarships for African Women Theologians (Full Scholarship)


The doctoral programme can be pursued in any University within Africa. The money will be sent to the University where the student is enrolled once the student has secured admission and fulfilled the requirement for receiving the scholarhsip.


Prospective beneficiaries of this programme need to exhibit exceptional potential of taking up leadership in their local Church and academic environment once they complete their doctorates.

For the awarding of the scholarship, preference will be given to students studying in ecclesiastical universities or faculties. They will receive funding support disbursed on annual basis upon reception of the fees structure from their respective Institutions. The funding will include tuition, research, publishing and subsistence.

It is expected that there be significant buy-in and local contribution from the religious congregations of Sisters, and the families of lay women to ensure the scholars receive maximum support to allow them to complete their programme without interruption.

Upon completion of the programme, the Doctors are expected to commit themselves to working as influential agents in academia, in either universities or in seminaries, or at the national pastoral level.

In their respective countries, the graduates are encouraged to take a special responsibility in leadership for assisting women students to advance in theological learning.

Application Form for scholarship will be sent to prospective applicants on request upon submission of admission letter from the University that has accepted for studies. To receive Application Form for Scholarship, send your request to:

This application should be submitted together with the documents listed below which are also numerated in the Application Form:

  1. Application form duly completed with a recent passport size photograph attached (in case of online application) or glued in provided space (in case of hard copy).
  2. Copy of your birth certificate, national identity card or passport clearly showing your surname and first name(s).
  3. Curriculum vitae or resume including a description of responsibilities/functions you have had to date.
  4. Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and academic degree certificates of courses attended and Transcripts.
  5. Two letters of recommendation and personal statement of applicant.
  6. A copy of a letter of admission/proof of an application in process.
  7. A copy of the fee structure from the desired institution of study.

 Eligible applicants for the scholarship:

  1. be leading theological thinkers in the context of their own local church
  2. aim to make the voice of women theologians heard in the continent
  3. submit their application and details by 30th September 2023
  4. undergo a rigorous selection procedure
  5. begin their studies in August/September 2023
  6. have completed a MTh or STL in the past five years, with a B+ (upper second-class) pass
  7. be a first-time doctoral student
  8. be under the age of fifty years
  9. study full time
  10. study towards a PhD in any branch of Catholic theology
  11. meet all the admission criteria for, and have been admitted to, study full-time in a leading African university or theological faculty of her choice
  12. complete the PhD within five years
  13. ready to complete a course in child protection within the duration of the doctoral studies
  14. have the full support (in writing) of her superior for the duration of her studies
  15. bind herself to teaching in an academic post in a Catholic institution in Africa for five years after graduating
  16. ready to participate in a monitoring and evaluation process during studies and after graduation