August 13, 2024


In Memory of Mzee Laurenti Magesa who died on 11 August 2022:  A Testimony. Two Years have now passed since you left us, Mzee Laurenti Magesa. Unlike the quote from the Play Julius Caesar: “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones”, no evil darkened your life,...
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Hekima Principal Underscore the Need to Study Theology Why should you spend a whole year, three years, four years, or ten, studying theology? For some people, they would say it is a waste of time. Rev. Dr. Marcel Uwineza SJ, HUC principal, posed this question in his address to the congregants gathered at Hekima and...
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Faith Formation – A Way of Leading Little Ones to Christ The first holiday after the completion of the first academic year! As part of the requirement at Hekima University College, I did pastoral fieldwork at St. Paul Chapel, the chaplaincy of the University of Nairobi. I mainly worked with children under fourteen years old....
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A former Student at Hekima and now a Faculty Member and Looking Forward to the New Academic Year: Fr. Benedict Ebogu Shares his Amazing Experience. In the Jesuit tradition, a Jesuit does not have a job but receives a mission. This is the perspective with which I arrived at Hekima University College to join the...
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Recollect and Deepen the Roots. In his book Educating Emotions, Augusto Cury, a Brazilian psychiatrist who is concerned with superficiality, writes, “Science (such as theology) has produced physical giants and emotional dwarfs. They are eloquent in speaking of the world around them but dumb before their inner feelings.” Said differently, sciences in the contemporary world...
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English Immersion Program 2024: Participants share their experiences. Since 2021 Hekima University College has offered an English Language Immersion Program during the summer holidays. The program targets Jesuits from French and Portuguese-speaking countries who wish to improve their English language proficiency in order to proceed with their Theology or Philosophy studies at Hekima and Arrupe...
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